Richard Bennett

This page is dedicated to our ITN fellow Richard Bennett. Feel free to contact Richard with any questions or remarks.

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ESR 10

About me

At the moment

My background

Project Description

Goal of ITN project 
Goal of ESR 10 is to produce a glucose sensor using the nanoband electrodes for switching capabilities.


“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” - Samuel Beckett

Richard's overview

ESR#: 10
Professional background:

MSc. Biomedical Science

BSc. Chemistry

Host institute: University of Edinburgh

PI: Prof. Andy Mount

Interests: Gaelic football, running, golf, rowing, any type of sports really!

Languages:  English

DNA string

Latest publication

Richard’s publications

Here you can find and overview of the academic fruition of our efforts that are backed by solid data coming from various fields. Our publications are listed chronologically.

ESR5 and ESR8 Kavita Jayakumar & Thomas Reichhart: An Oxygen Insensitive Amperometric Glucose Biosensor Based on An Engineered Cellobiose Dehydrogenase: Direct versus Mediated Electron Transfer Responses

Kavita Jayakumar and Thomas Reichhart have published their work on the integration of engineered cellobiose dehydrogenase in a glucose biosensor and investigation into direct and mediated electron transfer pathways. By clicking on the thumbnail above, you will be directed directly to the publication’s open-access website.

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All of Richard’s publications

Contact Richard