Muhammad Hashim Khan

This page is dedicated to our ITN fellow Muhammad Hashim Khan. Feel free to contact Hashim with any questions or remarks by clicking on Contact Hashim.

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ESR 7 - Ph.D Fellow

Project Description

My project deals with simulating biosensor response and validating it using experimental data obtained by fellow members of ImplantSens. A secondary objective of the project includes investigating ways to immobilize enzymes onto surfaces for direct & mediated electron transfer.

Goal at the end of the ITN project
My goal is become highly skilled at scripting/coding computer simulations that predict reality closely.

My background
B.S. Chemical Engineering.

M.Sc. Chemical Engineering.


“The difference between messing around and science is writing it down.” - Adam Savage

About Hashim

ESR#: 7
Professional background: : B.S. & M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering

Host institute and PhD Program Institution:
University of Southampton

Supervisor: Prof. Philip N. Bartlett

Interests: Table Tennis, squash, sci-fi, hiking and mountain biking

Languages: Urdu, English

DNA string

Latest publication

Hashim’s publications

Here you can find the links to Hashim's publications during the ITN project.

All of Hashim's publications

Contact Hashim