Merve Keser

This page is dedicated to our ITN fellow Merve Keser . Feel free to contact Merve with any questions or remarks by clicking on Contact Merve.

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ESR 9 - Ph.D Fellow

About me

I have always been curious about the small things in life and this was welcomed by diving into the world of enzymes.

At the moment
I am a H2020 Marie Curie ESR within the project of ImplantSens working on enzyme engineering for the purpose of implantable glucose biosensors at Eyown Technologies. Simultaneously, I am a Ph.D. student at the Autonomous University of Madrid

My background
I have completed a Master’s degree in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences with the specialization of Systems Biomedicine and Pharmacology at Leiden University. I have participated in research regarding biocatalysis and biotechnology focusing on enzyme engineering, evolution, and characterization. I have also participated in metabolomics research using triple quad mass spectrometry and other common analytical chemistry techniques such as UPLC-MS, GC-MS, and sample optimization to establish a screening platform for metabolites.  My main interests and passion lie in the field of Enzymology and Biotechnology.

Project Description
An evolved galactose oxidase that is glucose sensitive will be further engineered for immobilization and thermostability. These engineering techniques will be done through directed evolution and computational methods to combine both in-silico output with wet-lab experiments. Ensuring robust immobilization by engineering galactose oxidase will yield a well-bound enzyme on planar electrodes. Enhancing thermostability will give it a further robustness in the activity of the enzyme without compromising its glucose activity, therefore ultimately yielding a robust glucose sensitive system that can be applied on glucose biosensors.

Goal of ITN project 
Goal of ESR 9 is to produce a final variant of glucose sensitive galactose oxidase that is robust in activity and is thermo stable at high temperatures as well as on planar surfaces. This variant therefore has the potential to be applied to continuous glucose monitoring biosensors that will be robust and durable; not to mention given the promiscuity of this enzyme, other significant metabolites can also be monitored in order to ensure a healthy biochemical profile of the patient.


“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” - Marcus Aurelius

Merve Keser

Merve's overview

ESR#: 9
Professional background: B.Sc in Applied Sciences majoring in Biochemistry, M.Sc in Pharmaceutical Sciences and System Biology
Host institute: Eyown Technologies S.L, Madrid SPAIN
Associated university for the PhD Program: Autonomous University of Madrid
Supervisor: Prof. Miguel Alcalde & Juan Bautista Crespo 
Interests: Science fiction novels, history, baking, travelling, and fitness.
Languages: Turkish, Dutch, English, German, Spanish

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Latest publication

Merve’s publications

Here you can find and overview of the academic fruition of our efforts that are backed by solid data coming from various fields. Our publications are listed chronologically.

European Federation of Biotechnology 2021

Carina Figueiredo presented her work in a poster presentation at the European Federation of Biotechnology in May 2021. Carina Figueiredo, Merve Keser, Marcos Pita, Miguel Alcalde, Antonio L. De Lacey. Oriented Covalent Immobilization of Galactose Oxidase for Biosensor Applications. EFB 2021  Poster (online)

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BioTrans Graz 2021

Merve Keser had attended BioTrans Graz last year in July 2021. She has contributed with the following poster to the online conference. Merve Keser, Eva Garcia-Ruiz, Juan Crespo-Garcia, Victor Guallar, Miguel Alcalde. Enhancing the thermostability of evolved glucose-6-oxidase by directed evolution for glucose monitoring biosensors. Biotrans. July 19-22, 2021, Graz, Austria – poster

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All of Merve’s publications

BioTrans Graz 2021

Merve Keser had attended BioTrans Graz last year in July 2021. She has contributed with the following poster to the online conference. Merve Keser, Eva

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Contact Merve