Kavita Jayakumar

This page is dedicated to our ITN fellow Kavita Jayakumar . Feel free to contact Kavita with any questions or remarks by clicking on Contact Kavita.

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ESR 5 - Ph.D Fellow

About me

Like many great scientific discoveries, my fascination with chemistry and research was quite accidental. I enjoy investigating phenomena that occur at interfaces and how that affects sensors

At the moment
I am an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in the Marie-Curie ITN ImplantSens based in National University of Ireland, Galway working on the farbrication of a mediated glucose biosensor that can act as a continuous glucose monitor on implantation. 

My background
I have completed a B.Sc in Chemistry with a minor in Physics. I was a part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree SERP+ where I got a dual Master’s degree from University of Paris-Sud and University of Porto in Physical Chemistry with a focus on surface and electrochemistry.

Project Description
To fabricate oxygen-independent, switchable, mediated enzymatic glucose biosensors. The main goal is to first develop a benchmark electrode with commercial enzyme and optimise the sensor response, and to fabricate similar optimised sensors with engineered enzymes provided by fellow ESRs. The project also involves the development and application of designed polymer shields that provide protections from interferents while retaining sensor response.

Goal of ITN project 
Goal of ESR 5 is to produce mediated glucose biosensors integrating designed enzymes and polymers, optimised to provide high current density and stability for in vitro and in vivo testing


Kavita's overview

ESR#: 5
Professional background: B.Sc in Chemistry with a minor in Physics, M.Sc in Physical Chemistry with a focus on Surface and Electrochemistry
Host institute: National University of Ireland, Galway
Supervisor: Prof. Dónal Leech
Interests: baking, travelling, and reading.
Languages:  English, French, Portuguese

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Latest publication

Kavita’s publications

Here you can find and overview of the academic fruition of our efforts that are backed by solid data coming from various fields. Our publications are listed chronologically.

ESR5 and ESR8 Kavita Jayakumar & Thomas Reichhart: An Oxygen Insensitive Amperometric Glucose Biosensor Based on An Engineered Cellobiose Dehydrogenase: Direct versus Mediated Electron Transfer Responses

Kavita Jayakumar and Thomas Reichhart have published their work on the integration of engineered cellobiose dehydrogenase in a glucose biosensor and investigation into direct and mediated electron transfer pathways. By clicking on the thumbnail above, you will be directed directly to the publication’s open-access website.

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ESR 5 Kavita Jayakumar: Electrochemical glucose biosensor based on an osmium redox polymer and glucose oxidase grafted to carbon nanotubes: A design-of-experiments optimisation of current density and stability

The work of Kavita Jayakumar was published in the journal Electrochimica Acta with the title: “Electrochemical glucose biosensor based on an osmium redox polymer and glucose oxidase grafted to carbon nanotubes: A design-of-experiments optimisation of current density and stability” By clicking on the thumbnail above you will be directed to

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All of Kavita’s publications

Contact Kavita